UK Election Conundrum: So Many Candidates, So Little Choice

British Prime Minister Theresa May dropped a huge bomb a few weeks ago, calling for general elections. Therefore, the next UK election will be held on Thursday 8th June 2017, despite the fact that it wasn’t originally scheduled to take place until 2020. If you’re an ideological liberal like me, then you may find it […] Read more

An Interview with Robert Bwambale – School Director – Kasese Humanist Primary School

[Previously published in Humanist Voices] Robert Bwambale is the founder of the Kasese United Humanist Association (KUHA) with “the goal of promoting Freethought in Uganda.”  The association is affiliated with the extremely active Uganda Humanist Association (UHA). In March, the UHA held a conference in Kampala whose theme was Humanism For a Free and Prosperous […] Read more

Looking Back On The Arab Spring

Much has been written about the Arab Spring since 2011, when it seemed possible that democracy might just prevail over dictatorship and authoritarianism across the Middle East. However, Bassem Youssef’s “Revolution for Dummies: Laughing Through the Arab Spring” is the first major comic examination of events across the region. Part autobiography, and partly a bitingly […] Read more