An Interview with Narendra Nayak – President of Federation of Indian Rationalist Associations & Founder of Aid Without Religion

Scott Douglas Jacobsen: You are one of the more famous unknowns. Your name should be more internationally recognised, I feel. You have done plenty of work in the sceptic movement and for reason. Your father bought a lottery ticket on the advice of an astrologer. This was a turning point for you. Why? What other […] Read more

Why We Must Guarantee the Right to Live Freely

Lately, there has been some talk of a greater collaboration between progressives of various stripes from around the world. I wholeheartedly agree that more cooperation is necessary to fight back against reactionary forces across the globe. Nevertheless, there is often such a wide disparity of beliefs that it is hard to imagine more than the […] Read more

An Interview with Ajomuzu Collette Bekaku – Founder and Executive Director of the Cameroon Association for the Protection and Education of the Child

Scott Douglas Jacobsen: What was the original interest in the protection and education of children? I grew up in a community where child labour was perceived as “normal”. It was a time in Africa, especially in Cameroon, when it was normal for children to help parents at home with little household chores like sweeping the compound, […] Read more