If the Labour party doesn’t manage to tread a strong, alternative unionist path to the Conservatives then it faces becoming an irrelevancy on the Scottish Question as it is in danger of doing so on the Brexit Question.
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Cruel speech isn't progressive, it isn't constructive, and it isn't okay. Sorry Milo Yiannopoulos, sorry Rod Liddle, and sorry to all other sadists.
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Mainstream feminists have a role to play battling religious fundamentalism, but that is going to require a process of profound soul searching.
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It is incredibly irritating to see individuals being outraged about rape when it has a racial element, but ignoring it elsewhere. Rape is a sexual violence problem. Not a race one.
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Terrorism, nationalism and otherism have exploded into the global political discourse. And that's seriously good news for machiavellian politicians: they need that to be elected, writes Madelaine Hanson
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Scott Jacobsen interviews Rob Boston, director of communications for Americans United for Separation of Church and State, about his past, work, and views.
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The adherence of Zimbabwe's rural population to African Apostolic Faith sects is damaging not only on an indirect level, but increasingly on a direct one.
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