After a dead rat was nailed to the door of a Vancouver Rape Relief meeting, the words ‘KILL TERFS’ along with anti-immigrant messages defaced their windows.
Vancouver Rape Relief and Women’s Shelter, the target of numerous protests and complaints due to their female-only policies, has been hit again with graffiti calling for violent action against ‘TERF’s.

Whether the incident with the dead rat was related or not, it raises grave concerns about the potential escalation of attacks upon this service for vulnerable women.

The use of the language of sexual violence to intimidate a service for women subjected to sexual violence cannot be ignored.
If the events are the product of a single deranged individual, it suggests a single minded, obsessive focus with the potential to commit further illegal and immoral actions. If the events are unrelated, we could be looking at a wider campaign of abuse and harassment.
‘TERFS GO HOME, YOU ARE NOT WELCOME’ written on the window of a Vancouver Rape Relief venue,The anti-immigrant sentiments expressed call to mind the campaigns of Jonathan ‘Jessica’ Yaniv, who, with support from sites such as Pink News, deliberately targeted vulnerable women from religious minorities as part of his extortion scam to abuse Canadian Human Rights legislation.
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