Does Africa Need a Religious Reformation?

While Africa is rapidly changing and progressing in many ways, Christian and Islamic fundamentalism hold the continent and its people back. Africa’s religious landscape is changing very rapidly, in various ways. These changes include the introduction of new religions and adjustments in the modes of worship as well as the personalities that are revered. Transformations […] Read more

Back to the Bad Old Days? Football, Racism and Raheem Sterling

Does the abuse hurled at the footballer Raheem Sterling signify a return to the bad old days of Eighties racism? Or does it represent an excuse to slam the working classes as racist and ignorant? The question of racism in football bubbles up to the surface every now and again. Whether Ron Atkinson calling Marcel […] Read more

Trump’s Corporate Tax Cuts: A Missed Opportunity To Unite Voters

Trump’s corporate tax reform – arguably the most important provision in what is colloquially known as the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, was in retrospect very badly marketed. Intuitively, it seems highly likely that the package of corporate tax cuts alienated Trump’s supporters and thus, in turn, contributed to Republicans’ midterm losses in November. […] Read more

The Weakness of Free Speech Warriors

Free speech warriors should stop whining, get up, and do something useful to counter censorship. This idea of free speech warrior weakness is a strange idea for me to be playing with, maybe even dangerous, since I fear that I’m edging ever closer to hypocrisy. But with the last few days’ news of Gavin McInnes […] Read more

The Myth of the Soy Boy: Veganism and Masculinity

Despite vegan men often being dismissed as ‘soyboys’ in popular culture, there is no inherent contradiction between veganism and masculinity. The popular neologism soy boy, “used to describe males who completely and utterly lack all necessary masculine qualities,” has brought back the trite equation of veganism with sub-masculinity. Real men eat meat, as the cliché […] Read more

Why Only a Norway-Style Brexit Can Unite the United Kingdom

The United Kingdom joining the likes of Norway in the European Free Trade Association represents the best post-Brexit outcome for the UK. In the most likely event that the United Kingdom’s Prime Minister Theresa May’s deal is rejected by Parliament, the absence of an alternative answer risks the calamity of crashing out of the EU […] Read more

Looking Back at Australia’s Divisive Same Sex Marriage Vote, One Year On

A reflection on Australia’s vote for same-sex marriage, one year to the day since it was enshrined into Australian federal law.  Today, the 7th Dec 2018, commemorates the one year anniversary since the Australian parliament passed same-sex marriage (SSM) legislation. This was the culmination of a government-run nationwide postal vote which had concluded with 61.6% […] Read more