When Bad Regulation Stops You From Earning

Many occupational licensing laws, though made with the best intentions, place unnecessary barriers to entering the workforce and need a rethink. Occupational licensing is a hot topic among economists, policy researchers and wonks at present. Though it has not received the same level of attention of other economic issues in recent times, such as those […] Read more

The “Social Justice” Reaction to Joseph Kennedy III Spells Trouble for Democrats

Reactions to Joseph Kennedy III’s response to President Trump’s State of the Union address highlight ongoing divides within the Democratic Party. After President Trump delivered one of the lengthiest State of the Union speeches in recent history, Joseph Kennedy III gave the Democratic Response in an auto shop at the Diman Regional Technical School in […] Read more

Interview with Ibrahim Abdallah – Muslimish Co-Founder

Ibrahim Abdallah is the co-founder of Muslimish. In this interview he discusses his stance on religion, how Muslimish facilitates a safe environment for Muslims and ex-Muslims, blasphemy laws and threats to free speech. This interview has been edited for clarity. Scott Douglas Jacobsen: What is your current stance towards religion? How does this impact your personal […] Read more