Interview with ​Nicole Orr -​ Branch Manager at CFI-Portland

Working with youth has always been very important to Nicole. In her teens, Nicole was an assistant team leader for a Search and Rescue Unit. There, she taught young people wilderness survival skills, as well as crime scene protocols. As an adult, Nicole strongly advocates the written word. She has helped run and participated in […] Read more

Interview with ​Matthew Rothschild

Matthew Rothschild is the Senior Editor of the Progressive Magazine. Matthew discusses the dangers of Trump to minority groups, why climate change mitigation is in danger, and how reproductive health is being attacked. Read more

Linda Sarsour is a Disgrace ​to Feminism

Sarsour’s statements are an affront to women and men around the world who fight an uphill battle to escape and fight against misogynistic laws. The praise and support that Sarsour has received makes it appear that American feminists are not particularly concerned about the wellbeing of their sisters in far-off lands. Read more

The Populism of the Women’s March in the US

In light of Donald Trump’s controversial inauguration as 45th president of the US, women recently organised themselves into a series of marches in order to show their power and political will. As many of us feminists know, institutionalised sexism, patriarchy, warmongering, racism and class division have finally come to the fore and have become far […] Read more

2017: Post-Truth, Post-Intolerance, Post-Understanding

As predicted, 2017 hasn’t started with a wave of tolerance and understanding. Facebook’s Live feature gained unwanted attention in a viral video of apparently drugged-up black youngsters in Chicago tormenting a white teenager with learning difficulties. They shouted “Fuck Donald Trump” and “Fuck White People”. While the Chicago Police and CNN pundits downplayed the racial […] Read more

Why Trump’s Ideas on Science ​Are Illogical and Dangerous

With less than a month until Inauguration day, Donald Trump has already provided us with an insight about what his administration is going to be like: Scary. Specifically, the views of Trump and his government officials on science are utterly concerning: denying climate change, supporting the idea that vaccines are related to autism, denying the […] Read more

Interview with Vic Wang – Past President of the Humanists of Houston

*This interview published before, when Vic Wang was the President of the Humanists of Houston.* Scott Douglas Jacobsen: What is your family and personal story — culture, education, and geography? My parents are Chinese immigrants from Taiwan who came to the U.S. for college in the 70’s. I was born and raised in Texas where I’ve lived […] Read more

Interview with William Keener – President of the Hickory Humanist Alliance

Scott Douglas Jacobsen: What is your family and personal story – culture, education, and geography? My German (Lutheran and Reformed) and Scots Irish (Presbyterian) ancestors immigrated to the American colonies in the mid-Eighteenth Century and settled in the North Carolina backcountry near what is now the city of Hickory (about 35 miles northwest of Charlotte). […] Read more

Interview with Dana L. Morganroth ​- Advisory Board Member and Vice President of CFI-Pittsburgh

Dana L. Morganroth is an advisory Board-Member and Vice President of CFI-Pittsburgh, and a Board-Member and Vice President Sunday Assembly Pittsburgh. What began the interest in critical thinking, science, and scepticism for you? During high school, I was an active member of a Christian youth group that spawned the Willow Creek Community (mega) Church outside […] Read more