Yemen’s Potential Baha’i Executions Mirror Revolutionary Iran

International pressure stopped Iran’s executions of Baha’is in the 1980s. Today, it can do the same thing for Baha’is in Yemen. The world must not let another teenage girl die. The date was June 18, 1983. A seventeen-year-old girl was publically hung in the middle of a polo field in Shiraz, Iran, during the night. […] Read more

For a New Left – The Unfree Market of Capitalism

The free market of capitalism is unfree for labour, since fair exchange depends on equality, and will require an international movement to fully dismantle. It has been suggested that the call for a basic income and land value tax, something which I consider to be a ‘starter kit’ for securing our rights and freedoms, constitutes […] Read more

The Solipsism Of Identity Politics

Taken to its logical conclusion, identity politics is solipsistic in nature, diminishing understanding of the world beyond the self. To fully understand marginalisation, one needs to have experienced marginalisation first-hand. This assumption is increasingly fundamental to today’s practice of identity politics, evident in the higher credence that many people claim ought to be afforded to […] Read more

Are the Democrats Running on Economics or Identity?

The 2018 midterm elections are mere weeks away. What is the economic message the Democrats are pushing in their attempt to win back the House and Senate? In the leadup to the midterm elections, the economy, as always, is front and centre in the minds of US voters. The US economy is relatively strong at […] Read more

The Symbolic Death of John McCain

Historians telling the story of the Trump era will undoubtedly remark on the death of John McCain as a moment of immense significance. The corrosive effects of Trump, including the sowing of discord, division and the abandonment of truth are now all too apparent. Both symptom and cause of the decline in decency and civic […] Read more

Learning Uncomfortably: An Interview with Zach Wood of ‘Uncomfortable Learning’

Conatus News Editor-In-Chief Lucas Lynch spoke with Zach Wood of ‘Uncomfortable Learning’ on the Schism Podcast on the importance of honest engagement with dangerous ideas. A few weeks ago, I had the distinct pleasure of sitting down and chatting with Zach Wood, a recent graduate of Williams College, where he was the president of “Uncomfortable […] Read more

Is a Borderless World Viable?

A world less constrained by borders is not just a pipedream but a viable reality the world should strive for, argues Vladan Lausevic. Is it possible for humanity to live in a borderless world? The answer is yes, partly because we, to a degree, are already living in such a world. To answer the question […] Read more