After his legs, which were whipped with a water hose, were amputated to prevent infection, the schoolboy, who was in a coma, died from his injuries
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American President, Donald Trump, has signed an executive order recently, which provides the basis for the easier political maneuvering of the religious in America as opposed to the non-religious.
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According to Human Rights Watch (HRW), the government of Indonesia has been attempting, repeatedly, to threaten the rights and safety of LGBT citizens of the country.
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Dr. Alexander Douglas specialises in the history of philosophy and the philosophy of economics. He is a faculty member at the University of St. Andrews in the School of Philosophical, Anthropological and Film Studies. In this series, we will discuss the the philosophy of economics.
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Scott Douglas Jacobsen: You are one of the more famous unknowns. Your name should be more internationally recognised, I feel. You have done plenty of work in the sceptic movement and for reason. Your father bought a lottery ticket on the advice of an astrologer. This was a turning point for you. Why? What other […]
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Scott Douglas Jacobsen: How did you become a humanist? The story I usually tell is that I stopped believing in a soul the more I read about human cognition in college (I was a psych major). But that over-emphasises the intellect, a habit we atheists are prone to. I also saw how religion was failing […]
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The Daily Mail reports that those who secretly converted to Christianity in Morocco have emerged from the shadows. They are demanding to live their faith publicly because Islam is the state religion. Any apostasy is condemned.
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Lately, there has been some talk of a greater collaboration between progressives of various stripes from around the world. I wholeheartedly agree that more cooperation is necessary to fight back against reactionary forces across the globe. Nevertheless, there is often such a wide disparity of beliefs that it is hard to imagine more than the […]
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Scott Douglas Jacobsen: What was the original interest in the protection and education of children? I grew up in a community where child labour was perceived as “normal”. It was a time in Africa, especially in Cameroon, when it was normal for children to help parents at home with little household chores like sweeping the compound, […]
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