Developing 21st Century Institutions for a Transnational World

In order for nations to solve contemporary problems such as migration and immigration, our institutions need to update themselves for the 21st century. Since 2015 and the refugee crisis aftermath there has been much debate about citizenship in Europe. In Sweden, a solution for integrating newcomers has included different proposals relating to citizenship tests. Regardless, […] Read more

Cracking at Consciousness: Why I Love Lucy

Luc Besson’s 2014 film Lucy garnered criticism even before it premiered. This criticism stems from the movies foundational claim that “we only use 10% of our brain.” It is an obvious myth that anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of neuroscience could debunk. The famous case of railroad construction foreman Phineas Gage is enough to debunk […] Read more

The Myth of the Soy Boy: Veganism and Masculinity

Despite vegan men often being dismissed as ‘soyboys’ in popular culture, there is no inherent contradiction between veganism and masculinity. The popular neologism soy boy, “used to describe males who completely and utterly lack all necessary masculine qualities,” has brought back the trite equation of veganism with sub-masculinity. Real men eat meat, as the cliché […] Read more

Looking Back at Australia’s Divisive Same Sex Marriage Vote, One Year On

A reflection on Australia’s vote for same-sex marriage, one year to the day since it was enshrined into Australian federal law.  Today, the 7th Dec 2018, commemorates the one year anniversary since the Australian parliament passed same-sex marriage (SSM) legislation. This was the culmination of a government-run nationwide postal vote which had concluded with 61.6% […] Read more

The Deep Roots of the Illiberal Left

Illiberal attitudes toward free speech and expression have been a feature among sections of the Left going as far back as Marx and Engels. “Hate speech!” is a battle cry we’re all too familiar with by now, and “deplatforming”—the disinvitation of controversial speakers—has become common practice on progressive campuses. A reversal of the Voltairean pledge, […] Read more