Intentions, Ideologies, Outcomes, Policies: Can We Forgive Communism?

Both the left and right have used variations on the argument that ‘intentions don’t matter, only outcomes do’. But is there any truth to this statement? Does anyone truly believe intentions don’t matter? A common expression is that we judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their actions. I believe that this can be […] Read more

Jordan Peterson and the Apocalypse of Modernism

Jordan Peterson is an apocalypse preacher who attacks progress and modernity under the guise of defending it, argues Emeka Ikpeazu. In the past couple of years I have dealt off and on with depression and loneliness. I am a graduate engineering student. I definitely understand how busy, lonely, and stressful a time it can be. […] Read more

Conflicts in Post-Colonial Fascism: From Peron to Lebanon

Dan Fisher and Katie Barker examine the internal contradictions within two non-European fascist movements after the Second World War, from Peron to Lebanon. In a previous article, we explored the question of whether and how much fascism could be said to have left wing influences. We continue this theme today by looking at two examples […] Read more

Rational Empathy – A Book By Rohit Balakrishnan

Rational Empathy: How the Mind Reveals Objective Morality through Happiness is a debut book written by Rohit Balakrishnan from India, available for purchase from Amazon Kindle in an e-book format. The questions about good and evil, right and wrong–or in other words, moral questions–have always perplexed mankind from time immemorial. What is morality? Is it […] Read more

Who’s Afraid of the Bedfellow Wolf? – A Response to Quillette

Watch or read as Dan Fisher lays out the case against a Quillette article arguing that radical feminists are as bad as extremist transactivists. If the above embedded video is not available on your browser, you can access the video here. On January 2nd, Quillette published an article warning against ‘centrist liberals’ teaming up with […] Read more